Where Can I Find Magdala on Social Media?

I was first exposed to pornography through Pinterest when I was in middle school. Now, before anyone thinks that that’s the whole reason why my current goal is to completely forego social media accounts for this ministry, allow me to explain.

My exposure to pornography through social media is only one story of thousands who experienced the same, or something similar. Furthermore, there is an undeniable increase of access to pornography through these platforms. Down the line, the podcast and blog will feature more content that may occasionally, for those trying to recover, recommend deleting social media as a means of blocking access. 

When I was encouraged to start Magdala, one of the immediate thoughts on my mind was social media accounts. I don’t have any active personal accounts, but at first I didn’t see a problem with creating some for Magdala. After all, aren’t all successful ministries and platforms on social media? Isn’t that, for some, even perhaps where their best work is done? I’m not against this for other groups, but for ours--I don’t think it fits the bill. 

When it came down to it, and after some thought and prayer and discussing it with people I love, it didn’t seem ethical to me to produce content on occasion that encourages people to delete social media, while also promoting Magdala heavily through it. I don’t want anyone to lose access to our content, and I don’t want anyone enslaved to a resource for pornogaphy to find our information when they’re trying to break free. 

Another disclaimer: social media is not inherently used for porn, and I’m completely aware of that. Many addicts don’t seek porn on their social media accounts. But many do, and I would rather err on the side of caution, at least for now. If the need ends up arising where it would be more beneficial to have social media for Magdala, we will happily make accounts. But for now, this seems like the way to go. For the time being, we will be present on YouTube once our podcast launches, continue to run our small groups through Marco Polo, but other social media platforms will not be used. This doesn’t mean members of our team, myself included, won’t make appearances on other people’s social media platforms or use personal accounts to promote. This just means that Magdala, as a ministry, will not have its own accounts. Our email list will also be a primary mode of updating y’all on the happenings over here.

I understand that this may give us lower numbers of hits, likes, follows, traffic, whatever. But what we care about is your freedom, and this seems like the best way. That being said, feel free to promote us on your own social media (if you’re not in a place where you think it’s best to delete it for now!), spread the word to the women in your life through word of mouth, or help us find other creative ways to reach out by contacting us.


Admitting Addiction


“Idolizing Virginity” with Jason Evert