book a speaker

We’d love to bring our message to you. Some of our speaking experiences include women’s retreats, conferences, college campus events, parish talks, or podcasts and webinars. See a list of our confirmed talk topics below.

Healing Female Sexuality in a Pornified World (women only)

In this talk, Rachael Killackey weaves together her personal testimony, cultural lies surrounding female sexuality, and practical tips for spiritual, mental and physical healing. This talk is for women only, and title can be adapted to event needs.

Symptoms of a Porn-Addicted Culture (men and women)

This talk uses Dr. Gerald May’s five hallmarks of addiction to show not only how sexual addiction occurs personally, but how the same symptoms show up in our wider society—and how healing that society begins with our own healing.

Healing in Community: Creating an Environment of Safety in Sexual Brokenness (professional development)

This presentation is well-suited for parishes, priests, ministry professionals, or parents who are seeking to learn more about how to dialogue about sexual sin and brokenness while facilitating healing.


Pints With Aquinas: Women Struggle with Pornography, Too

Letters to Women Podcast: A Letter to the Woman Struggling with Pornography and Masturbation

Covenant Eyes Podcast: Women Struggle with Pornography, Too

Ave Explores Podcast: Identifying as a Beloved Daughter of God