Join a community of women all over the world seeking hope and healing from sexual addiction.



Tell us more about your journey—you will be automatically added to our waitlist.

look for an email from our team with next steps

Our team will reach out to you with instructions for next steps. We are “first come, first served,” so keep your eye out and be ready to act fast when we contact you.

You will stay on the waitlist if our groups fill up before you respond.

once you’re assigned to a group, order your curriculum!

Once our team notifies you of your group assignment, you can order your participant curriculum for $75. Your group leader will take it from there!

What’s it like being a Magdala participant?

Listen to Mary’s story of finding Magdala in the midst of her recovery.


  • Each group goes through our 17-session curriculum, meeting twice a month on average. Each session lasts about an hour and a half. The whole program lasts about 10 months.

  • Our curriculum is theologically sound and psychologically informed, covering a breadth of topics related to addiction, recovery, and healing. Within your confidential group, you’ll discuss triggers, accountability, forgiveness, navigating relationships, reordering desire, and more. You will also receive tools to pray, reflect, and heal in the midst of your recovery.

  • Each participant pays a one-time fee of $75 for their curriculum, which equates to about $4 per session. We have limited scholarships available; the application information will be given to you during the signup process.

  • New groups are formed every three months. This new quarterly system is as follows:

    • We’ll reach out in December for a February start

    • We’ll reach out in March for a May start

    • We’ll reach out in June for an August start

    • We’ll reach out in September for a November start

  • No. We have women who join from all over the world in 41 countries.

  • No. While the majority of our participants and moderators are Catholic, you do not have to be to join a group. Our curriculum follows the teachings of the Catholic Church and participants are asked to sign an agreement acknowledging that is the case. However, Magdala is geared generally toward women of faith striving to live a life for Christ.

Ready to begin?

Reminder: when you submit this form, you are automatically added to our waitlist. You will receive communication from our team in the coming months about next steps if you choose to take them.