The Magdala Podcast

Season 5 | Episode 6

Suppression vs. Obsession Concerning Sexuality

In this episode, Rachael shares some of her research into sexual compulsions, including the difference between obsession and suppression. She outlines what each relationship looks like, and offers advice on abandoning these behaviors and re-ordering ourselves back to a virtuous view of our bodies. This is a great episode to listen to following Rachael’s “Purity Culture” episode: Season 5, Episode 1.

Season 5 | Episode 5

Discerning Religious Life During Recovery

In this episode, Rachael and Annie speak with Sister Mary Caterina Vola about the process, difficulties, and great beauty of discerning religious life in and after sexual addiction. The ladies share their own stories of discernment, and offer advice on discerning with an open heart and fighting the lie that you’re not worthy of being a Bride of Christ.

Season 5 | Episode 4

Forming Your Conscience to Set and Respect Boundaries

In this episode, Rachael and Annie talk about how we can form our consciences to place healthy boundaries on our relationships, especially romantic relationships. They also discuss how far is too far when it comes to emotional and physical chastity, and how we can best love the people God has placed in our lives.

Season 5 | Episode 3

All About Small Groups (and why you should join!)

In this episode, Annie is joined by Paige, one of our small group moderators, to discuss everything you need to know about joining a small group. The ladies share their own journeys toward healing, and answer practical questions such as “what is group like”, “is the cost worth it”, “what if I’m afraid to talk about it”, and more.

Season 5 | Episode 2

Dating and Discernment After Addiction

In this episode, Rachael and Shelby have a candid conversation about dating in recovery, and when to tell your significant other about your story. They also discuss how healing is a lifelong journey, and how to strive for healing in different seasons of your life.

Season 5 | Episode 1

Processing Purity Culture

In this episode, Rachael kicks off season 5 with a solo episode on purity culture. She shares her research on the roots of purity culture, its popular voices, survey results from women in our community, and addresses three core lies offered by purity culture: (1) sexuality is the locus of either the gravest sin and the greatest joy, (2) men are inherently more lustful, and (3) marriage will solve all your sexual problems.

Season 4 | Episode 9

The Importance of Sexual Education

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Dr. Julia Sadusky, a mental health therapist and author of several books including her recently released Talking to Your Teens About Sex. Rachael and Dr. Sadusky discuss the damage done by a lack of or inadequate sex education, the ties between those experiences and compulsive behavior, and how to educate in a healthy, loving way.

Season 4 | Episode 8

Feminism and Women's Sexuality

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Dr. Abigail Favale from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. They discuss feminism and its effects on women's sexuality, what aspects are beneficial and which need to be left behind, and how to find healing and solace in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Season 4 | Episode 7

How Free Do You Want to Be?

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Andrew Laubacher, executive director of Humanality: an organization dedicated to freeing young people from phone, screen, and social media addiction and helping them live intentionally in the technological age. They discuss the dangers of phone and screen addiction, how deeply it interplays with addiction to pornography, and how freedom is possible.

Season 4 | Episode 6

Redeeming Heartache: Stranger and Prophet

In the second part of this two-part series, Rachael continues exploring Redeeming Heartache by Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel. Today, she examines the wound of "stranger" who is "outside the circle of calling" and the nature of the "prophet" to become a bringer of hope.

Season 4 | Episode 5

Redeeming Heartache: Orphan and Priest

This week, Rachael begins an overview of the biblical archetypes in Redeeming Heartache by Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel. She explores the wounds of "orphan", the calling of "priest", and how they pertain to our experiences of sexual addiction.

Season 4 | Episode 4

Why ‘Men are Visual, Women Want Romance’ is a False Dichotomy

We've all heard the assumption: "Men are visual and women desire romance." But is this actually true, or is it a false assumption that can be harmful? Learn about the industries preying on this belief, the truth about female sexuality, and the damage this distortion can have on young women.

Season 4 | Episode 3

Choosing Reality Over Sexual Fantasy

This week, Rachael is joined by Annie to talk about the often-overlooked struggle of sexual fantasy. Why do we fantasize in the first place? What should we do about it? Rachael and Annie open up about their own struggles with fantasy and give practical tips on how to stop. We also learn about the negative feedback loop that connects pornography and fantasizing.

Season 4 | Episode 2

The Science Behind Sexual Addiction

In today's episode, Rachael is joined by sexual integrity scientist, Dr. Joe Malone. How do the Catechism's teachings protect women's health? What is the biochemistry involved with sexual addiction? Dr. Malone helps unpack socio-sexuality, femininity, and how women can be conditioned by pornography addiction.

Season 4 | Episode 1

Confessing Sexual Sin

This week, Rachael kicks off season 4 by interviewing Magdala's chaplain, Fr. Ryan Truss, on the beauty of confession in sexual sin. What are some common pitfalls of counseling those struggling with sexual sin, especially within the sacrament of confession? How to make an "integral confession" and the power of naming a sin within the sacrament? What is the difference between formal and material integrity? Join us as we discuss the beautiful freedom and grace of confession.

Season 3 | Episode 10

Healing Sexual Brokenness

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Jay Stringer as they dive into different aspects of sexual brokenness: sexual education or lack thereof, purity culture, and unwanted experiences. Jay offers wisdom on finding and receiving God's blessing underneath our sexual brokenness, how to avoid running from it, and letting it lead us to deeper intimacy with our Savior.

Season 3 | Episode 9

Authenticity in Prayer

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Annie to discuss how to be authentic with Jesus in prayer, recovery, and beyond. How can inauthenticity hinder our relationship to the Lord in recovery? How can we counter the false ideas we have of God? All this, plus moving away from a comparison mindset and accepting yourself as you are in this week's episode of The Magdala Podcast.

Season 3 | Episode 8

Longing for Intimacy in Prayer

In their second episode on prayer, Rachael and Annie dive into the concept of longing for intimacy. They explain how we can take this desire to the Lord, how our hearts are made for communion, why we express in a disordered way through sexual addiction. Plus, practical tips for an enriched prayer life as we slowly learn to treat the Lord as our closest confidant.

Season 3 | Episode 7

Beginning a Prayer Life in Recovery

This week, Annie and Rachael discuss how to begin cultivating a relationship with God, especially through the seasons of recovery. Why should we encounter the Lord as 'complicated sixth-graders,' how to begin again, and practical tips on finding the right type of prayer for you!

Season 3 | Episode 6

Media and Recovery: Smartphones

In part 3 of this series, Rachael and Tommy discuss why they no longer use smartphones and what alternatives are available. They also encourage others to reflect on their own attachment to smart phones and explain how distancing from them might improve your life, especially if you struggle with an addiction to pornography.

Season 3 | Episode 5

Media and Recovery: Music and TV

In this week’s episode, Rachael is joined by her husband Tommy Killackey to discuss the roll of music and television in the recovery journey. Does music affect your soul? How can media lead you to near occasion of sin? How do we avoid these occasions? Plus, learn practical tips on how to apply healthy media habits to your own life.

Season 3 | Episode 4

Will Addiction Harm My Vocation?

In this episode, Rachael is joined once again by Mary Jo Carney to talk about the fear that our past with addiction can 'ruin' God's plan for our vocations. We learn about the universality of sin and how it can strike anyone at any point in their vocation. Is your vocation meant to be a place of fear and shame? Does God want you to be happy on this earth? All this and how God's love counters all in this week's conversation.

Season 3 | Episode 3

Fertility Awareness and Recovery

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Mary Jo Carney to discuss the often-overlooked aspects of women's health, both as they pertain to sexual addiction and femininity as a whole. We learn to look beyond the 'band-aid' solutions normalized in women's health, correlations between arousal and the menstrual cycle, and fertility awareness. Also, why is it called 'matrimony' and how learning about your health before married life can help!

Season 3 | Episode 2

Media and Recovery: Why Does Media Matter?

In the first episode of this three-part series, Rachael is joined by her husband, Tommy, as they discuss why media consumption in recovery matters. We learn about the addictive nature of technology and why Tommy believes "distraction is lame." They also introduce a few concepts to help you evaluate whether you're consuming helpful or hurtful content.

Season 3 | Episode 1

Reclaiming Innocence

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Blessed Is She team member, Beth Davis, as she shares her testimony of how Mary and Jesus redeemed years of shame she experienced during her struggle with pornography and masturbation. What does scripture mean when it says "You can be made new?" How can God be a "Healer of Memories?" Beth and Rachael open up about the true nature of innocence and how Jesus can redeem your past in the ways you need it most.

Season 2 | Episode 14

What if I Relapse?

In this episode, Rachael is joined once again by Magdala team member, Annie Heyen, to discuss relapse and the most beneficial way to respond if it comes. We learn why relapse is not the end and the traps that commonly follow a fall. They also talk about the difference between relapse and continued temptation.

Season 2 | Episode 13

Spiritual Warfare and Addiction

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Julia Hoyda as they discuss the importance of looking at our addictions from a spiritual and psychological perspective. Julia shares her testimony which includes masturbation and how spiritual warfare played a huge role throughout her journey. Also, why you can't 'pride yourself' out of addiction and the trap of self-reliance.

Season 2 | Episode 12

Should I Watch Redeeming Love?

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Magdala team member, Shelby, to review the movie Redeeming Love: a recently released movie that has led to questions from several women in—and outside of—Magdala. They discuss the underlying positive messages in the movie, but more importantly, the reasons why Magdala cannot recommend watching the movie in good conscience.

Season 2 | Episode 11

Beauty in the Mess

In this episode, Rachael is joined by friend and musician Jackie Minton to discuss her path to music, and how being an artist has guided her journey and expression of healing. In her testimony, she examines her past struggles with masturbation, reminding us that the path to healing—although messy—is beautiful thanks to the grace of God.

Season 2 | Episode 10

Healing Through Vulnerability

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined with Magdala team member, Annie Heyen, to discuss how important it is to be vulnerable—even in small ways—on the healing journey. Annie shares her testimony, including her struggle with sexual sin, and talks about how vulnerability transformed her life and allowed Jesus to heal her wounds. Rachael and Annie also give specific advice on how to begin allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Season 2 | Episode 9

Body Image and Addiction

In this episode, Rachael is joined once again by Mary Jo Carney as she shares her experience with body image, negative eating habits, and self-perception. How can the complex nature of body image contribute to a pornography addiction? Mary Jo opens up about how these topics created a destructive cycle of self-loathing and shame in her life, and they discuss the importance of cultivating positive body image and eating habits, with practical tips on how to slowly improve.

Season 2 | Episode 8

5 Ways Social Media Feeds Addiction

In this episode, Rachael is joined by her husband, Tommy Killackey, to discuss why you should consider getting off social media if you struggle with pornography. They share how social media can feed pride and other vices and challenge listeners to face the negatives of social media. Together they discuss if the few positives of social media out-weigh all the dangers.

Season 2 | Episode 7

Lust or Desire?

In this episode, Rachael answers a frequently asked question: How do I know the difference between lust and pure sexual desire? Rachael goes through different distinguishers and stresses how important it is to fight the belief that all sexual desire is lustful. She also offers advice on how to seek sanctification when lustful temptations arise.

Season 2 | Episode 6

Mary Magdalene: Patroness of Sinners

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Catholic speaker, writer, and dear friend, Joan Watson. They review the story of St. Mary Magdalene and highlight her continuing impact on the Church, especially concerning femininity and shame. Is there a difference between St. Mary Magdalene and St. Mary of Bethany? How does the modern Church honor the dignity of women? They also discuss the goodness that can emerge from leaning on her in times of struggle.

Season 2 | Episode 5

Idolizing Virginity

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Kimberly Cunningham to discuss their experiences with purity culture within the Church. Rachael and Kimberly talk about the ways well-intentioned people who idolize virginity have harmed their view of sexuality, and answer questions like "what does the Catholic Church actually say about virginity and sexuality?" and "where does the toxic shame of purity culture stem from?" All this and more as Kimberly and Rachael share their stories and give advice on how to heal from these wounds.

Season 2 | Episode 4

Encounter and the LGBTQ Community

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Jordan Kennedy to discuss ways we can better encounter the LGBTQ community within the Church. Jordan offers her own testimony of ways she's been both hurt and healed by those in the Church and gives insight into how we can love fellow sinners in need of grace, regardless of their sexual identity. As someone who's found peace with her queer identity in the presence of Christ, Jordan talks to Rachael about shame, finding wholeness, and marginalization in the Church.

Season 2 | Episode 3

Let's Get Practical

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined once more by Mary Jo Carney to share the good news of recovery. They go through practical tips for healing the mind, body, and spirit, and give advice from their own stories. We learn why addiction doesn't have one 'cure-all,' who is qualified to actually diagnose you with a mental illness, and the surprisingly casual nature of finding an accountability partner. They also share advice they have learned in studying mental illness, particularly sexual addiction. 

Season 2 | Episode 2

Defining Sexual Addiction

In this episode, Rachael is joined once again by Mary Jo Carney to review guidelines for understanding what sexual addiction is and how to recognize it in your own life. They discuss the psychology behind addiction—specifically when it comes to pornography—and offer insights on how addiction appeared in their own stories.

Season 2 | Episode 1

What Does Freedom Look Like?

In this week's episode, Rachael is joined by Mary Jo Carney to discuss what walking in freedom looks like and define false expectations many have when looking toward freedom. Through their own testimonies, Rachael and Mary Jo talk setbacks, hope, and addiction ministry. We also learn the crosses and graces in ministering to women struggling with sexual addiction.

Season 1 | Episode 5

The Beauty of Sexuality

In this episode, Rachael is joined by Lizzy Rich to discuss the Theology of the Body and feminine sexuality. This conversation is a little over 45 minutes long and full of beautiful insights and advice on understanding God’s vision for sexuality, especially when healing from sexual addiction.

The Solution to Self-Hatred

In this week's episode, Rachael breaks down self-hatred, shame, and what it means to achieve self-love. She talks about the lies we are sold in the struggle and how to combat them. We also learn some practical advice on how to grow in sanctity through reflection on wounds and hear more about God’s redemptive love.

Season 1 | Episode 4

Season 1 | Episode 3

THe Coffee date series: Who’s Going to Help?

In the third episode of the Coffee Date Series, Rachael asks the question, "Who’s going to help you get there?” The path to freedom might be long, but it doesn't have to be lonely! Rachael encourages listeners to find others to walk alongside them through their journey of healing. She also gives advice on how to go to the Lord throughout this process.

Season 1 | Episode 2

THe Coffee date series: what are you willing to do?

In the second episode of the Coffee Date Series, Rachael asks the question, “What are you willing to do to be free?” Now that we know we want freedom, how do we cooperate with God's plan for our sexuality? This week, Rachael offers advice on fighting discouragement and finding hope, along with some tools to help you on your journey.

Season 1 | Episode 1

THe Coffee date series: what do you want?

In the first episode of The Magdala Podcast, Rachael kicks off the “Coffee Date Series” with the question, “What do you want?” In the cycle of sexual addiction, it can be hard to know where to begin the healing journey. So, with the casualness of a simple chat over coffee, Rachael dives into desire, dreaming, and where to begin recovery.