5 Tips for Fighting Temptation

Saying “no” to our temptations towards sexual sin in the moment is easier said than done. We know the creeping feeling all too well--with your conscience sounding off, begging you not to go there again. You know you can say “no,” but you’re not sure how. Below are five quick tips to employ next time you’re fighting temptation in the heat of the moment: 

  1. Say a prayer. This feels basic, but it’s a good place to begin: even something as simple as the Jesus Prayer (which goes: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,”) can invite the Lord into that tough moment with you and let you know you’re never battling alone. Something blunt like “Get behind me, Satan!” can also really do the trick!

  2. Do something active. Try to stand up, and if you’re using a device, put it down. Do push-ups, sit-ups, or take a quick walk outside. Get your blood pumping as much as possible--it refocuses your energy, both physical and mental, to something productive.

  3. Reach out to a friend or accountability partner. Touch base with someone who knows the struggle (your Magdala small group, perhaps!) or someone you love. Tell them you’re being tempted and need prayer, or just check in on them and see how they’re doing. Reaching out in love, whether for help or just a quick chat, is always fruitful!

  4. Remind yourself what, or whom, you’re fighting for. Take a moment to call to mind or pray for the people you love who you want to be free for. Maybe it’s your husband (or future husband), boyfriend, friends, or children. Say “no” for them and offer it up. If you don’t have a specific person or people in mind, think of a dream or aspiration that is hindered by your struggle. 

  5. Look up. This is a very simple tip, but one I’ve found (and heard) to be very effective, especially if you’re looking at a screen. Simply look up. Look straight ahead, look out a window, look at your wall art, whatever. Just turn your head. It gives you a second to realize that this isn’t actually what you want to do, and it gives you the power to set your phone or computer down if you’re using it

Different tactics work for different people. You may need only one of these tips to help you say “no,” or you may need a combination of several, or none of them may work. But something will. You have the power to refuse to give into your temptation, no matter how overwhelming it may feel in the moment. You have the power to say no.

Like exercising a muscle, each “no” makes the next one easier—so, in a sense, the first one is the hardest one. It only takes one small refusal to get the ball rolling. If you say no to the small temptations, the bigger ones will get easier. This applies to all areas of your life—for instance, saying no to that moment of gossip will actually help you say no to porn later, too. Virtues all relate to each other!

As a closing tip, remember that being tempted is not a sin. Too often, when we’re fighting addiction and struggle, we can easily become scrupulous. Being tempted to watch or read porn, masturbate, or fantasize is not the same as actually doing it. In fact, temptations are placed in our path for us to grow. Each “no” is a victory, friend--one much larger than you can imagine.


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