Spiritual Books on Healing

A common question I get while working with Magdala groups is how to bring sexual struggles to prayer. One of the most difficult aspects of addiction recovery can be bringing our sin, shame, and need before God--nothing makes you feel your human poverty quite like an addiction. I’ve found, through my own experience and hearing from others, that it can be challenging to take the conversation with God in prayer beyond just cries for help and into true restoration and receiving healing. Here are some recommended books, specifically on sexuality, healing, etc. below to help kick start that conversation with our Lord:

The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen

This book brought me to tears several times while reading it, and I want to make it an annual read. Nouwen dives into Rembrandt’s depiction  of The Prodigal Son and how it moved his own heart in untouched places. The result is a beautiful testimony of healing, and Nouwen’s words have a way of getting to untouched places in the reader’s heart, too.

Heart of the World by Hans Urs von Balthasar

While not a book about “healing,” per se, Balthasar’s book centers on the heart of God and particularly its movements in the person of Jesus Christ. Reading about the complexities and beauties of Christ’s heart, even in temptation and amidst scorn, can help bring our heart into conversation with His. Balthasar also has an interesting narrative, switching between speaking from the perspective of God, man in general, himself, and Satan, which results in a moving and poetic read. I honestly didn’t want to put this book down.

Be Healed by Dr. Bob Schuchts

Dr. Bob Schuchts is a professional in the world of healing ministry, and his book has a wonderfully practical way at getting to the wounds and issues behind our brokenness. Instead of just addressing action, Dr. Bob speaks directly to the reader’s heart and experiences, and provides practical guidance towards receiving healing from God.

The Heart of Perfection by Colleen Carroll Campbell 

Colleen Campbell addresses a common struggle for women in general, but a pertinent one for recovery as well: perfectionism. She takes you through her own journey of contentment with mess and imperfection, while still striving for sainthood! (This one also comes high recommended from another member of our leadership team, Mary Jo!)

The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp

Similar to the suggestion directly above, Ann Voskamp illustrates how our brokenness is not something to be ashamed of or eradicate, but rather to embrace and surrender to God. With a unique, poetic style, she articulates matters of the heart, the weariness of humanity, and the beauty of God--for another great read, check out her first book, One Thousand Gifts.

Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe 

Recovery is a long process full of ups and downs, and many opportunities to become anxious or downtrodden. This book is a must-have for all seasons of the spiritual life, but it is so powerful when it comes to finding interior peace. Definitely something to steady you through the bumps in the road of recovery!

Love and Responsibility by Karol WoJtyla (Pope John Paul II)

More of a dense read, John Paul really hits home on these pages. Understanding the nature of love, use, unity, and responsibility not only helps in the recovery of our love as it is currently, but helps us take proactive steps to love better in the future in all kinds of relationships. Take your time with this one!

Is your favorite on this list, or do you have another one that has been helpful for you on your healing journey?


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